
This week for Social Studies we will finish up our learning about the Southern Colonies and have a quiz at the end of the week.

You can study for our quiz at quizlet.com.  Click Here

One fun learning activity your student can do at home is play Stack The States. Stack The States is a free app you can get for a phone or other device.  I am sure there are other apps to learn about states as well, you might find a better one! Knowing the names and locations of our 50 states is an ongoing learning goal this year. We will not do a “Unit Study” on states but will build knowledge throughout the year as we study our country’s development. At this point of the year, your student should know the names and locations of the states bordering Texas as well as the states on the east coast. Students have a U.S. Map in their student planner. Us this or any other map to point out places your family has been to add to their knowledge and experience.


This week we will do a writing activity that was planned for Friday. We will do a Halloween story writing activity. We will discuss and review some revising and editing concepts that carry over from 4th grade.

Your student can study or review parts of speech from home using Quizlet.com. Click Here