Google Classroom code

Here are the codes for Mrs. Canter’s Google Classroom.

If you need the Google Classroom code for your homeroom they are as follows:

Canter’s homeroom – 0zdhfpb

Toal’s homeroom – zfgx77u

Oynes’ homeroom ecfo3k4

Trim’s homeroom – gwgfs5e

McBride’s homeroom apx63wz

Week 3 8/30/21

Blog Post #3    8/30/21 Week 3


English /Grammar

This week our Mentor Sentence is from the book Saturdays and Teacakes. Our focus will be on nouns, specifically proper nouns and capitalization. We will also practice identifying the simple subject and predicate in sentences.


Social Studies

We will continue to discuss symbols of the U.S.A. We will have a quiz on symbols this week and students will be asked to recite the pledge of allegiance. On Thursday we will begin to discuss The Age of Exploration and a few famous explorers. Our study will focus on the story of the first permanent European settlement in the New World. 


Take a Note

Remember, if you ever have any questions about what we are doing in class please email at canterb@woisd,net

9/1 Tutorials begin

9/6 No school.   Happy Labor Day!